
Anywhere But Here & Now

Reuven Goldfarb believes that elements of the folk imagination that have merely been shunted aside and temporarily displaced by the most prestigious doctrine of the moment, remain as inherent parts of the national psyche and take other forms in other lands, despite the presence of an official ecclesiastical establishment. They cannot be killed or transformed into something else. They are with us forever.

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago

The American Game

Reuven Goldfarb connects the dots between Chico Mendes, Pan Am Flight 103 (the Lockerbie bombing) and the first game of the 1955 World Series between the Dodgers and the Yankees where at the top of the eighth inning with two outs, Jackie Robinson risks 270 feet of progress on the base paths with a daring steal of home, beating Whitey Ford's pitch to the plate.

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago

How’s Your Hebrew? My Life in Ulpan

Reuven Goldfarb has labored, through all these decades, to find his voice and perfect my mode of expression using all the resources available to him in the only language he knows well, and with whose extensive literature he is familiar. He shares his thoughts about learning Hebrew.

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago

The Future of Renewal?

Reuven Goldfarb speculates about the internal inter-personal issues, especially those that interfere with our collective decision-making process. Reuven takes on the issue of territoriality, as perhaps, internally, as no group is immune from potentially schismatic conflict, or as Reuven coins it: "Elbow Room" or "Liebensraum."

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago

Baseball Kabbalah

Reuven Goldfarb believes that players, fanatics, and worshippers alike - are blessed with moments of transcendence and vindication, a reward for their commitment and justification for all their toil and pain.

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago