
Return to the Garden

Reuven Goldfarb shares his insights about the guidelines that give us hope that someday we will return to the garden or, at least, we will make a paradise of our own scarred earth and heal our wounded human family.

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago

Anywhere But Here & Now

Reuven Goldfarb believes that elements of the folk imagination that have merely been shunted aside and temporarily displaced by the most prestigious doctrine of the moment, remain as inherent parts of the national psyche and take other forms in other lands, despite the presence of an official ecclesiastical establishment. They cannot be killed or transformed into something else. They are with us forever.

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago

How’s Your Hebrew? My Life in Ulpan

Reuven Goldfarb has labored, through all these decades, to find his voice and perfect my mode of expression using all the resources available to him in the only language he knows well, and with whose extensive literature he is familiar. He shares his thoughts about learning Hebrew.

By Reuven Goldfarb, ago