Gerry and Reuven Goldfarb

Gerry and Reuven Goldfarb

Roger stands upon the mound

And holds hands with the ball,

Like a tragic alligator

Waiting for the secret fall…

Jimmy stands on second base

Taking peanuts from the crowd,

While Tony grins and shakes his bat

Gesticulating loud…

Jackie sprawls upon the ground

Attempting to steal home,

Waving his arms in a jumble of rags

That go all the way back to Rome —

How can you cruise when you know you might lose,

Though your history shows you can win?

How can you cruise when you know you might lose,

Though your history shows you can win?

Bush is down in Texas

And he waves his gun for quail;

Gates is in the CIA

And no one’s on his tail…

Goons murder Chico Mendes

As the forest disappears,

While rubber barons wring their hands,

Shed crocodile tears,

And cows for Macs and Whoppers graze

Where trees stood a million years,

Then hi-tech desperadoes

Blow an airplane from the sky,

And corpses litter Scotland’s lakes,

But no one can say why —

How can you cruise when you know you might lose,

Though your history shows you can win?

How can you cruise when you know you might lose,

Though your history shows you can win?

Berkeley, 1991, 2006; Tzfat, 2007

Categories: Poems

Reuven Goldfarb

Writer, editor, and teacher, Reuven Goldfarb has published poetry, stories, essays, articles, and Divrei Torah in scores of periodicals and anthologies and won several awards. Reuven published and edited AGADA, the illustrated Jewish literary magazine (1981-88), taught Freshman English at Oakland’s Merritt College (1988-97) and courses in Poetry Immersion and Short Story Intensive as a freelancer in Tzfat (2009-12). Goldfarb served the Aquarian Minyan as officer and service leader for 25 years and received s’micha from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi as Morenu, Maggid, and Rabbinic Deputy in 1993. He now works as a copy editor for books and manuscripts and coordinates monthly meetings for the Upper Galilee branch of Voices Israel. He and his wife Yehudit host classes, workshops, and a weekly Talmud shiur in their Galilee home.