The Brooklyn Dodgers celebrate the winning of game seven of 1955 World Series on October 4, 1955 with Johnny Podres, center, Roy Campanella, right and Don Hoak.

The Brooklyn Dodgers celebrate the winning of game seven of 1955 World Series on October 4, 1955 with Johnny Podres, center, Roy Campanella, right and Don Hoak.

The school bell’s rapid clanging sends shivers 

through my thighs and tingles through my testicles. 

The smell of the chalkboard fills my nostrils,

like the white dust flying free 

of the gray felt erasers I slammed

together in the schoolyard with my chum,

red-haired Alan Charney, known for

his gnawed nails and ragged cuticles;

who licked the rock salt from his reddened fingers

in the winter cold and broke a well-known rule

by entering the girls’ bathroom on a lark;

who liked the outdoors and any excuse 

to get away from the boring drone

and confined space we visited daily, 

the halls and rooms of P.S. 193;

the gates we entered and left through,

the chain-link fence we often climbed,

the place to which we now return in memory,

the place we we’d hardly recognize today.




One of many poems that draws on my memories of life in Brooklyn, N.Y., where I was born and raised, schooled and acculturated.  It was published in the 2019 Voices Israel anthology.

Categories: Poems

Reuven Goldfarb

Writer, editor, and teacher, Reuven Goldfarb has published poetry, stories, essays, articles, and Divrei Torah in scores of periodicals and anthologies and won several awards. Reuven published and edited AGADA, the illustrated Jewish literary magazine (1981-88), taught Freshman English at Oakland’s Merritt College (1988-97) and courses in Poetry Immersion and Short Story Intensive as a freelancer in Tzfat (2009-12). Goldfarb served the Aquarian Minyan as officer and service leader for 25 years and received s’micha from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi as Morenu, Maggid, and Rabbinic Deputy in 1993. He now works as a copy editor for books and manuscripts and coordinates monthly meetings for the Upper Galilee branch of Voices Israel. He and his wife Yehudit host classes, workshops, and a weekly Talmud shiur in their Galilee home.